Lower back pain and constipation might be symptoms of a single condition or they can be separate symptoms that happen to occur at the same time for no apparent reason. If a person experiences both of these symptoms at the same time, they should seek medical attention.
Lower back pain is a commonly trusted Source, and it normally goes away on its own without any therapy.
In addition, constipation is a common problem trusted Source, and it is usually treatable at home. Constipation and lower back pain, on the other hand, should be reported to a doctor if they occur at the same time.
Can Lower Back Pain Cause Constipation?
Constipation might occur as a result of the underlying cause of lower back pain. This can occur as a result of a tumor or growth. If a tumor presses on the nerves in the spinal cord, a British charity called Cancer Research UK claims that this will result in constipation because it will block or slow down the movement of the intestine.
According to the American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, growths and tumors in the colon can also induce constipation in some individuals.
The fact that these are less likely to produce constipation should not be overlooked, and anyone who has concerns should consult with a doctor.
How Constipation Causes Back Pain?
Because of the vast amount of space that the digestive tract takes up in the body, it is conceivable that you will feel signs and symptoms of back pain if you are suffering from constipation. In most cases, this lower back pain will manifest itself as a dull, aching sensation that radiates from your lower back to the rest of your abdomen. This is usually the result of an obstruction in your colon or a buildup of feces in your rectum.
There are two constipation-related causes of lower back discomfort that can cause substantial symptoms: indigestion and constipation-induced diarrhea.
Fecal impaction
An extremely serious medical illness, fecal impaction occurs when stool cannot pass through the colon or rectum, putting a great deal of pressure on the organs in the surrounding region. If left untreated, fecal impaction can cause significant discomfort and injury, thus it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.
Fecal impaction can cause symptoms such as bloating, nausea, vomiting, headaches, and incontinence. If the blockage is not removed, these symptoms will steadily worsen until they are eliminated.
Frequent and untreated constipation is the most common cause of fecal impaction. Constipation trains the colon and the rectum to become more restrictive and to exert greater pressure on themselves to constrict, which can lead to a considerable buildup of stools over time. Fecal impaction happens when the bulk is large enough.
Medication, surgery, lack of activity, or excessive use of laxatives are all less likely reasons for constipation.
An enema, laxatives, irrigation with water, or anal suppositories are commonly used to treat fecal impaction. Do not treat yourself at home or ignore the symptoms if your lower back discomfort has spread to your lower limbs, as this can be dangerous.
General constipation
Since a blockage of fecal matter in your digestive tract strains your muscles and nerves, constipation is more likely to be the cause of lower back discomfort. Because of this, the sensations are amplified and become increasingly uncomfortable as the population expands.
Acute or chronic back discomfort in the lower back and lower limb when defecating, trouble with bowel motions, and firm or lumpy stools are all symptoms of constipation. Feeling full, even if you haven’t eaten, can also be a sign of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Constipation can be caused by a variety of things, the most common of which are dietary. However, stress, injury, medicine, and a lack of physical activity are all possibilities. Most of the time, determining the exact cause of constipation is impossible without the help of a doctor. Constipation should be reported to a doctor as soon as possible, especially if it has persisted for some time.
Fecal impaction, on the other hand, requires a more active approach to treatment, involving surgery and medication. Medications may be prescribed, however, this is normally only done as a last option by medical professionals. Exercising and stretching are wonderful therapeutic choices as well, but they should not be the primary means of dealing with the condition.
Common Causes Of Constipation
Constipation can be caused by a variety of factors, according to the NIDDK, a reputable, trusted source.
- A diet deficient in fiber causes dehydration
- A deficiency in physical activity
- Pelvic floor issues irritable bowel syndrome and irritable bowel illness bowel Blockages medicines that cause constipation
- Hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid gland
- Constipation may also be more prevalent in persons with a history of spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, or colon surgery.
Common Causes Of Lower Back Pain
Pain in the lower back can be either acute, which means it lasts for a few weeks and goes away on its own, or chronic. For most people, chronic lower back pain lasts for at least 12 weeks trusted Source.
Some causes of lower back pain include:
- Disc herniation: A herniated disc develops when one of the discs that cushion the bones in the spine begins to bulge outwards. This disc subsequently puts pressure on the spinal nerves, resulting in back pain and discomfort.
- In addition to scoliosis, other skeletal disorders may cause lower back pain, including lordosis, a lower back curve.
- Injury or old age can cause spinal stenosis, which is a narrowing of the spinal canal. Pressure on the spinal nerves can produce discomfort and alter sensation as a result of constriction.
- A sprain occurs when the ligaments in the back are overstretched, resulting in an injury.
- The term “strain” refers to an injury to a back muscle or tendon.
- When a tumor presses on a spinal nerve, it causes discomfort and suffering.
- When a nerve is crushed, irritated, or inflamed in the lower back, it is known as radiculopathy. Pain, tingling, and numbness along one or both sides of the body are among the most common symptoms.
- When the sciatic nerve is compressed, it results in symptoms such as leg pain and numbness in the buttocks. Radiculopathy is a type of this.
Conditions That Can Cause Both Symptoms
Lower back pain is a common complication of constipation. Because of the weight of the feces, the sacral nerves in the lower back are irritated.
Constipation and lower back discomfort can occur together in the following conditions:
Bowel obstruction: Hard stool in the colon or something pressing on or constricting the bowel might produce a bowel obstruction, which prevents feces from flowing forward.
Endometriosis: It’s a condition where the uterine lining grows in other parts of the body, including fallopian tubes, ovaries, bowels, and bladders. This is known as endometriosis. The most common symptoms include back pain, lower abdomen pain, and severe menstrual cramps, according to a 2020 articleTrusted Source.
Fibromyalgia: For those who suffer from fibromyalgia expect to deal with symptoms such as pain all over the body, difficulty sleeping, exhaustion, and nausea. One of the most prevalent symptoms of low back pain is leg pain.
Backache Constipation
Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are two examples of IBD. Diarrhea and constipation are common symptoms of intestinal inflammation caused by these disorders. The inflammatory arthritis ankylosing spondylitis (AS) has been linked to IBD in a Trusted Source article published in 2019.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): A common symptom of IBS is stomach bloating and cramps, as well as constipation or diarrhea. Irritable bowel syndrome can cause lower back pain.
Liver disorders: Some of the symptoms of liver disease include nausea, constipation and stomach pain, swelling, as well as itching of the skin. A liver issue can cause back discomfort in different parts of the body. For example, cirrhosis can cause lower back pain, according to a 2015 study trusted Source. Inflammation of the liver can cause pain in the upper back on the right side of the body.
Pancreatic cancer: Symptoms of pancreatic cancer are rare in the early stages. There are a variety of symptoms that may develop as the disease worsens, including itchy skin and back pain. Constipation can result after pancreatic cancer treatment, which can cause lower back pain if it is severe.
Other cancers: Other tumors, such as breast cancer that have spread to the bones, might cause back pain.
Other Causes
Lower back discomfort and constipation are two conditions that can occur during pregnancy. Back pain can occur as a result of the growing fetus placing additional strain on the spine, and increased progesteroneTrusted Source levels may cause constipation.
When To See Your Doctor
In the majority of cases, back discomfort caused by constipation can be treated and managed at home with simple home treatments. Patients who are prone to spells of constipation should keep an eye on themselves after the obstruction has been removed because the pain normally lessens after the blockage has been removed.
However, there are some instances in which it is more prudent to see a doctor about your lower back pain right away. These include:
Medical attention
If you haven’t had a bowel movement in more than seven days, you should seek immediate medical attention. Depending on the individual, the signs and symptoms of constipation may appear disjointed. Patients with chronic constipation or lower back pain should see a doctor right once.
Bloody stools
Internal bleeding or an anal fissure can cause bloody stools. During a bowel movement, the lining of the digestive tract is scratched and torn by the hard, dry feces. In more serious cases, cancer or hemorrhoids may be to blame for bloody stools.
Pain that doesn’t disappear after a bowel movement
After a bowel movement, your lower back pain should go away since the pressure in your pelvic area is relieved. Nevertheless, if the discomfort is still there or worsens after your bowel movement, it could be an indication that a nerve was pinched or that something was dislodged as your colon loosen up.
Fluctuating back pain
Chronic lower back pain isn’t always acute and localized; it can also be caused by conditions like constipation, which might be caused by your habits or lifestyle. Doctors should be seen immediately if there are periods of fluctuating lower back pain that does not get worse or worse.
Difficulty in bowel movement
Additionally, the difficulty of stool evacuation must be taken into account. The stool inside your digestive tract may have grown too huge to pass out if you’re having problems with bowel motions. When you’re in such circumstances, forcing a bowel movement might seriously harm the lining of your intestines.
Self-medication should only be attempted with the permission of a physician. Lower back pain that is severe or chronic should always be evaluated by a physician, even if it is relieved temporarily by laxatives and other drugs.
General Home Treatments
If lower back pain and constipation develop simultaneously owing to a single underlying issue, a doctor will propose a suitable treatment.
In less serious cases, there are various things that a person can do at home to ease constipation and lower back pain when they occur together:
It’s possible to alleviate discomfort by taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs). Examples of NSAIDs include ibuprofen and naproxen.
Engage in low-impact physical activity: According to a 2019 researchTrusted Source, exercise is a good treatment choice for constipation. Gentle exercises might also help relieve lower back discomfort.
Make sure you’re getting lots of fluids in your system. This will help to soften and ease the stool’s passage.
Stool softeners and laxatives sold over the counter can help you pass your bowel movements more easily.
Eat more fiber: Although the body can not digest fiber, this nutrient can add bulk to stool. The extra mass stimulates the intestines, making the stool flow along the digestive tract more easily.
A hot or cold cloth-covered pack can help relax inflamed muscles and alleviate discomfort when applied to the lower back.
If symptoms linger despite home therapies, a person should contact a doctor.
Reduced back pain and constipation are two medical problems that might arise together as a consequence of a single underlying ailment or as a result of unrelated factors.
People should seek medical attention if their symptoms are severe or if they persist for more than a few weeks.
Frequently Asked Questions: Backache Constipation
Can Constipation Cause Back Pain?
Constipation can cause the intestines to expand due to the accumulation of fecal waste. This can cause pain in both the abdomen and the back. A dull, aching form of discomfort is typical of this type of back pain.
What Does Constipation Mean When Your Back Hurts?
Since a blockage of fecal matter in your digestive tract strains your muscles and nerves, constipation is more likely to be the cause of lower back discomfort. Because of this, the sensations are amplified and become increasingly uncomfortable as the population expands.
Constipation Pain: How Long Can It Last?
People have been known to consume them as often as three times per day. Some people only eat them once or twice a week, while others eat them all the time. It’s usually not a good idea to go more than three days without one. After three days, the passing stool becomes increasingly difficult.
How Can I Quickly Resolve Constipation?
A few hours later, you’ll have a bowel movement thanks to the following treatments:
- Take a fiber supplement.
- Grasp a handful of fiber-rich foods.
- Take a sip of water to rehydrate.
- Make yourself defecate by using a laxative supplement.
What Are The Constipation Symptoms In Adults?
- Inability to pass stool or firm, dry stools for several days.
- Bloating, cramping, or pain in the abdomen.
- Consumption has decreased.
- Lethargy.