brain Functions of our body parts and organs 1

Functions of our body parts and organs

The human body is made up of a million cells and a billion neurons. These cells are the basic unit of life. A cell is a single entity that performs all the basic living functions by itself. These cells group together to form groups of cells that further form tissues and organs.

Organs combine with each other to form organ systems that perform the complex mechanisms of life. For example, the digestive system of the human body is made of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines, rectum, and anus. Together, these organs perform their simple functions that add up to digest the food we eat.

People often think that our nails and hair do not serve a purpose in our body, but this is not true. The hair has various functions to perform, like protecting our skin. Many people tend to lose hair at a young age.

While hair loss can be associated with several reasons, sometimes, professional help is needed. Hair transplant cost in Pune and other cities has also gone down, and one can easily get treatment if their hair is facing a lot of problems.

Even though the hair is not the most important part or organ of the body, it still plays an important role in protecting our skin and the body from harmful external influence. The body’s important organs and parts include the heart, the brain, lungs, kidneys and bones, and muscles.

Functions of the organs and body parts

Given below are some body parts and the functions they perform. Every organ performs its function individually. When grouped, they take care of our body’s complex machinery, one of the most intelligent and highly developed natural machines globally.

  • The heart: The heart’s main purpose is to pump blood to and from various body parts. It comprises various chambers connected to main arteries and veins, which carry the pure and impure blood to the body parts and the lungs.

Apart from pumping blood through the blood vessels, the heart also pumps hormones into the body’s parts and maintains and regulates healthy blood pressure.

  • The stomach: is the most important organ of the digestive system. The stomach is where the food we eat is physically and chemically broken down so our body can use the energy created from it. This process is known as digestion.

The stomach also secretes hydrochloric acid on the lining. This is one of the most strong acids in the world and can react with almost anything. Our body needs this as it breaks down the complex nutrients and proteins ingested by us while eating.

When a person has acidity, this acid reaches the lower parts of the esophagus and burns it. Since it is powerful, sometimes ulcers are formed if a person does not get proper treatment.

  • Hair: it grows on almost every part of one’s skin, and the main purpose of hair is to protect the skin from germs, bacteria, and the dangers of the environment. It also aids the neural connections in the head.

If one has less hair on the head, their scalp may be exposed to the sun, and the skin may get easily damaged. The hair transplant cost in Pune is not one to burn a hole in one’s pocket and can be easily afforded by people who have other issues with hair fall, balding, etc.

Apart from protection, the hair also helps in regulating the body temperature.

Functions of our body parts and organs 2

  • Kidneys: every living organism has a well-developed system to help their bodies eliminate the waste generated after various vital functions that the bodies perform. Our kidneys are supposed to do a similar job for our bodies, but their function is not limited to just one.

Kidneys are mainly responsible for cleaning the blood of the toxins that are generated in it. It has a filtration system through which our blood is purified of unwanted and sometimes even harmful toxins.

Apart from the blood’s purification, kidneys are also responsible for removing any external substances ingested like drugs. They also create new blood cells and balance the fluids of the body.

Kidneys are also known for producing some hormones and some amounts of vitamin D used by the bones. Some various disorders and ailments affect the kidneys, which need to be looked out for.

It is essential to notice any symptoms that may point towards deteriorating kidney health like frequent or less than average urination, blood in the urine, swelling or puffiness around the eyes frequently, swollen hands or feet, painful urination, and even issues with blood pressure.

Diabetes can also affect the kidneys of a person, especially at an old age. Diabetes can clog the filters in the kidneys, which can, over time, develop into disorders related to the kidneys. One needs to be extra careful and get frequent urine tests to manage their health during diabetes.

  • The brain: is a very highly developed and evolved organ in human beings. The brain consists of about a hundred billion neurons and even more neural networks. The neuron is the information-carrying unit of the brain, a single cell.

The number of neurons in one’s brain even exceeds the number of stars in our galaxy. This is one reason why human beings are considered one of the most intelligent beings on planet earth.

The brain has not only neurological functions but also psychological functions that it performs. The brain produces hormones, stores memories, produces emotions, creates thoughts and ideas, and allows us to be creative.

It functions on conscious, subconscious, and unconscious levels that take care of the body’s various functions and minds, like dreaming. Parts of the brain give us logical ideas, while some parts are still being studied.

The brain and the neurons, nerves, and spinal cord form the human body’s nervous system.


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