Are you feeling itchy in your head hair and scalp? Feels like you are being stung by needles and bites? It could be head lice or even nits. Read on as we share more information.
Head-lice are a common occurrence in human beings across many countries. It is not limited to any age group, gender, region, or weather conditions like tropics or cold countries.
If you are wondering how long will my head itch after lice are gone, don’t worry! Read on for the best natural plant-based treatment.
Social impact of lice
In the Western culture, families react with shock and repulsion when children are discovered having head lice. The social impact of being isolated is high by their friends. Many folks, friends, and colleagues tend to stay away, shunning you, as it shows that you have maintained poor personal hygiene. There has been no medical research that proves that dirty hair breed lice. Lice can infest clean and dirty hair equally.
It becomes difficult to trace contacts at work or school that may have spread lice as most often, people hide this away. The fear of being isolated and made fun of is a big factor in not disclosing the disease to anyone else.
However, in many other countries, a head lice infestation is not treated with such disrespect and has a little social stigma attached to it. It is just another thing to be cured and prevent its spread by admitting to others.
Pediculosis or Head Lice
The infestation of lice by warm-blooded animals in their hair or body leads to Pediculosis. Head lice are transferred upon contact with another person who may have head lice. Each ‘nit’ or louse egg hatches into one nymph. The nymph grows to develop into an adult louse.
Lice can be found in various parts of the body. They camouflage well in body hair or head hair. Lice feed on the blood in the scalp by piercing it as many times a day it wants. As they pierce your scalp for blood, an allergic reaction is produced from lice saliva; leading to itch and irritation of the skin/scalp and troubles human beings.
There are two more types of lice found on the human body.
1. Body Lice

Body lice or Pediculus humanus also preys humans. Unlike head lice, they lay eggs in the clothing rather than the human hair and its base. If untreated, they can lead to contagious diseases like typhus. Treatment of body lice is different than treatment for head hair lice. You must consult a doctor for advice.
2. Pubic Lice
Found in the pubic area, crab louse or Pthirus pubis infects the human pubic hair, feeding on blood. They, too, bite the skin to suck blood and cause itching and severe irritation.
Many times folks do not come to know they have lice unless they see it. It can take between one to three fortnights to from a nit to a nymph to an adult louse for some folks. Hence, they may not know if they have lice.
For folks who get infected a second time may experience itching starting earlier.
The most common household remedy to find lice is to use a lice comb. Built specially for lice detection, such combs have sharp brushes and are closely knit, making them compact to catch lice as the hair is brushed. As you brush through the hair, folks use hair oil or wet their hair with water to trap the lice on the comb. A physical check of the comb for live and dead lice shows the presence of lice.
Remember to not scrape your scalp too often and hard with the lice comb. As you try to soothe the itching and irritation, you may scrape your scalp deep to cause sores. These sores then develop into skin infections, which can lead to further health concerns.

When left untreated, head lice can spread the infection to the scalp and the skin to follow. Constantly scratching your head and the dead lice falling is an unpleasant sight.
We strongly recommend getting a consultation with your doctor for your head lice. However, many folks prefer to try the first line of treatment at home, including the following.
1. Natural Oils
Research suggests that the use of natural oils has a toxic effect on lice. Hence, natural oils, including tree tea oil, anise oil, lavender oil, and more, are preferred. Another study suggests the benefit of massaging coconut oil into your scalp. As you rub coconut oil in, lice cannot develop resistance; their waxy outer shell dries out, and they die from dehydration.
2. Over-the-counter medicines & shampoos
Food & Drug Administration-approved treatments are easily available in most countries without a doctor’s prescription; do check for laws in your country. Many branded shampoos like Nix and Rid, Nits n Hats, and more are the first line of defense. These could be available in the form of shampoos, hair wash, creams, or lotions. We recommend taking medical advice as you are dealing with chemicals. Pediatricians may prescribe spinosad or topical ivermectin, depending upon how bad the infestation is.
Say goodbye to medicines and chemicals as you have natural treatment available!
A hundred percent natural and plant-based material, the Novokid is here to with the simplest treatment. You can get rid of head lice in a short time and quickly. No application of medicines, no more itching or scratching.
If you have been asking ‘how long will my head itch after lice are gone’ is now answered!
Easy to use, Novokid is free from any chemicals, pesticides, and silicone. All you need to do is dry your hair and ensure it is from oil, gels, shampoo, or sweat. As you sit in a dry, cool, well-ventilated area, you are ready to begin the treatment.
Wear a hair cap, connect the vial to the connector, and turn on the device. As the device is switched on, it releases vapors from the natural plant-based formula containing rosemary oil and vinegar. You may find your itching a bit and sensation of tingling. Expect the cap to puff up with vapors and then settle down before rising again.
Ten minutes of treatment, and voila, you will find the lice and nits are dead. The use of a lice comb can remove any dead lice/nits.
Simple and easy, isn’t it?
Now you can smile and be happy as your little one trots her way to her school or you get back to work. Get the Novokid now for a healthy life!