Metamucil Soluble Fiber

Metamucil Soluble Fiber

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What Is Metamucil, And How Does It Work?

Metamucil Soluble Fiber: Phoenician, the active ingredient in Metamucil, is extracted from the seeds of the plantain Plantago ovate, also recognized as blond plantain.

It’s a soluble fiber, which means that as it travels through your digestive tract, it takes on a gel-like consistency and absorbs water.

As a digestive aid, Metamucil can reduce cholesterol, reduce hunger, & improve glucose control.

Constipation is easier to pass through the body when water is trapped in the intestines.

It’s available without a prescription over-the-counter in powder, capsule, & wafer form.

Can It Help You Lose Weight?

Metamucil Soluble Fiber and psyllium have been studied extensively for potential weight loss benefits.

Compared to a control group, supplementation with psyllium reduced digestive problems, blood sugar levels, & body weight in 51 individuals with type 2 diabetes.

According to another study, psyllium helped patients with type 2 diabetes manage their blood sugar levels better while lowering their body mass index (BMI).

For those trying to lose weight, psyllium has been shown to reduce hunger and enhance feelings of fullness.

One study found that taking soluble fiber supplements, such as psyllium fiber, may help you feel fuller between meals.

According to another small study, consuming Metamucil Soluble Fiber three times a day for three days resulted in decreased hunger. It increased fullness between meals and a reduced desire to overeat.

Despite their potential advantages, they should not use Metamucil or similar fiber supplements to help people lose weight.

Instead, eat more fruits, vegetables, and legumes, which are high in soluble fiber, to reduce your risk of obesity. These foods can help you increase your fiber intake for weight loss while also providing various vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Soluble Fibre: What Is It, and Where Can I Get It?


Also soluble and insoluble fiber is two types of dietary fiber that many people are familiar with. The name “soluble fiber” means it dissolves in water, and water does not dissolve insoluble fiber. Dietary fiber does not come in one form or another. To reap the medical benefits you desire from dietary fiber, it’s critical to know how it works in the body.

Metamucil Soluble Fiber comes in various forms and concentrations in several plant-based food products, each with its own set of health benefits. A thick gel forms when soluble fibers absorb moisture, while others have no effect when added to water. In addition, some types of soluble fiber can be digested by the beneficial bacteria in the digestive system. Soluble fiber has numerous health benefits because of these characteristics.

If you’re wondering how to incorporate soluble fiber into your diet, the answer is simple. Foods that contain soluble fiber, such as Metamucil’s psyllium fiber supplements, are available. Keep reading to learn more about how to incorporate more soluble fiber into your daily diet.

10 Ways Of Increasing Your Daily Digestive Health With Soluble Fiber

  1. Prunes Are An Excellent Example Of This.

Prunes, after all, are good for you. Prune half-cup servings contain 3.6 grams of soluble fiber2,3 proving that they live up to their reputation as a natural laxative. In a study published in 2019, researchers found that consuming half a cup of peaches daily increased the number of bowel movements and frequency of bowel movements.

  1. Red Kidney Beans.

Use kidney beans in your favorite chili recipe to boost your soluble fiber intake. The high Metamucil Soluble Fiber content of kidney beans makes them an excellent addition to any high-protein, high-carbohydrate diet. In a cup of kidney beans, you’ll get a whopping 3.48 grams of soluble fiber.

  1. Carrots Are Third On The List.

In addition to beta carotene & soluble fiber, carrots are a good source of vitamin A. Each cup of raw carrots contains 1.13 grams of fiber. 8 Replace your usual snack with a cup or 2 of crunchy raw vegetables and a dipping sauce of your choice.

  1. Powders Of Metamucil

It’s challenging to get enough fiber into your diet daily, and even more difficult is determining how much of the thread is soluble. You could always turn to a soluble fiber complement like Metamucil to help close the fiber gap. The super Metamucil Soluble Fiber psyllium is used to produce Metamucil powders. Sugar-Free Colored Smooth Powder provides 6 grams of dietary fiber per serving, with 5 grams of soluble fiber.

  1. Oatmeal (Instant Oatmeal)

Beta-glucan, a heart-healthy soluble fiber found in oats, is abundant.

1,9 To boost your soluble fiber intake, you can add oats to cookies or muffins, which contain 1.64 grams per cup. 8 Alternatively, you can have oatmeal for breakfast, or you can make granola with you for a rising snack while you’re out and about.

  1. The Avocado.

Avocados are well-known for their healthy fats and soluble fiber content, abundant in this fruit. The soluble fiber content of a medium avocado is 3.13 grams. 3,7,10 Avocados are great on their own as a snack. You can eat it for eating on a piece of bread, with a meal as guacamole, or as a side dish for dinner when trimmed into cubes & dressed with olive vinaigrette.

  1. Broccoli Is A Healthy Vegetable.

Broccoli is an excellent source of Metamucil Soluble Fiber, despite its high content of structure-forming insoluble fiber (it even resembles tiny trees!). On the other hand, Soluble fiber accounts for 40% of its fiber content.

  1. Oranges Are A Good Example Of This.

Because navel oranges are high in soluble fiber, you may be surprised to discover this. Fifty-eight percent of their total fiber content is made up of soluble fiber.

  1. Capsules Of Metamucil

Psyllium fiber capsules are another option. Metamucil’s 3-in-1 Fiber Granules or the 3-in-1 Fiber Caplets Plus Calcium are two options you have when choosing this product. 2 grams of Metamucil Soluble Fiber and a total of 3 grams of dietary fiber are provided by taking five containers per serving. To increase your fiber intake, you can start taking several servings, but it’s always important to start small & gradually increase your fiber intake as the body gets used to it.

  1. The Pears

Twenty percent of the daily fiber recommendation is found in just one medium-sized pear. Pectin, which gels when heated, makes up most of the pears’ soluble fiber. One of the most refreshing fruits is the pear.

What Is The Variation Between Benefiber And Metamucil, And How Are They Different?

OTC soluble fiber supplements Benefiber & Metamucil Soluble Fiber are readily available. There is a strong resemblance between the two.

High levels of fiber can be found in both products. A person’s bowel movements become more frequent and comfortable when their stools are more significant and softer due to the addition of fiber.

The type of fiber in Benefiber and Metamucil sets them apart.

Wheat dextrin, a type of wheat starch, is a component of Benefiber.

Powdered psyllium husk is found in Metamucil. Husks of psyllium crops are used to produce psyllium fiber.

Metamucil May Help Lower Cholesterol Levels.

Metamucil’s label claims that it can help those concerned about their cholesterol and blood sugar. Psyllium is the reason for this.

In a British Journal of Nutrient study, Metamucil was tested on 72 overweight or obese people. Improved Cholesterol & insulin levels by taking this fiber supplement.

In addition to getting fiber supplements, researchers recommend a healthy, fiber-rich diet. Benefiber may or may not have the same effects.

Gluten is present in Benefiber in trace amounts.

Even though Benefiber is made from wheat, the manufacturers claim that it is gluten-free because that includes less than 20 ppm of gluten. People with celiac disease or gluten intolerance, on the other hand, do not use Benefiber except if specifically instructed to do so by a physician.

An all-natural alternative like Benefiber could be a better option.

There are fewer ingredients in Benefiber than in Metamucil. If you’re looking for a natural supplement, Benefiber may be the best option.

Even though the orange-flavored Metamucil Soluble Fiber is well-known for containing sweeteners, colors, and other additives to make it more pleasant to drink than the original, a more organic version of Metamucil is available.

Benefiber And Metamucil Have Numerous Advantages.

People need to eat a lot of fiber to stay healthy. Eating more fiber-rich foods, or taking fiber supplements, can help people get more fiber into their diets.

Benefits Of Benefiber And Metamucil Include:

  • Can improve Gut health through proper nutrition.
  • Can improve Gut health and clinical signs of digestive conditions like IBS and diverticulosis reduced by regular bowel movements.
  • Good bacteria can be fed by the soluble fiber in Benefiber and Metamucil.

A Healthy Heart

Benefiber and Metamucil, the makers of fiber supplements, claim heart-healthy products. This is because a high-fiber diet has improved a person’s cardiovascular health.

Higher fiber intake may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease & cardiovascular disease, according to a review of the literature published in BMJTrusted Source.

Loss Of Body Fat

Consuming fiber can allow the body fat in particular weight loss products, programs, and healthcare practitioners. May facilitate weight loss due to this.

On the other hand, fiber supplements like Metamucil Soluble Fiber and Benefiber are not authorized as diet products and are unlikely to impact nutritional loss.

Potential Side Effects Of Metamucil And Benefiber

Adding Metamucil Or Benefiber To Your Diet May Result In The Following Side Effects Or Risks:


Though gas and stomach cramps may occur in some people while taking this supplement, the effects should subside as the body adapts to it over time. Take a smaller dose or add more water to your supplement if this happens to you.

Reactions To Allergens

Metamucil should be avoided by people susceptible or allergic to psyllium, and gluten-intolerant individuals should avoid Benefiber. Stopping these products and calling your doctor for testing is the best course of action for anyone having an allergic response while using them.

Injuries And Other Health Issues

You should avoid Benefiber and Metamucil if you have a stomach condition that necessitates this. Before deciding to take either of these supplements, anyone with belly or digestive issues should consult their doctor.

After seven days of constipation, people should stop taking fiber supplements like Benefiber and Metamucil and see their doctor.

Drug-Drug Interactions

Benefiber and Metamucil Soluble Fiber can reduce the absorption of some medications, making them less effective.

Prescription medication users should seek advice from their physician or pharmacist before taking any supplements.

Should take These supplements at least two hours before or after taking any prescribed medication, which may help.

Benefiber And Metamucil Substitutes

Besides Benefiber and Metamucil, many other name-brand constipation-relieving supplements are on the market.

Citrucel and Miralax are two popular alternatives. For Miralax, there is no fiber component.

Fiber supplements and other constipation aids can be purchased online or in pharmacies.


In Citrucel, methylcellulose, found in plant matter, is a fiber supplement. This product may have less gas buildup than others because it is a non-allergic form of soluble fiber.

Citrucel may be a good option for sensitivities or adverse effects when taking many constipation relief supplements.


For Miralax, there is no fiber component. Polyethylene glycol is the active ingredient that draws water into the commode to help alleviate constipation.

If you are looking for a fiber supplement, Miralax will not provide additional benefits.

Fiber In The Diet

Fiber supplements like Benefiber & Metamucil are available on the market. People can increase their daily fiber intake by eating more fiber-rich foods.

Foods High In Dietary Fibre Are:

  • Beans and peas
  • seeds and nuts
  • a wide range of fresh produce
  • Bread, cereals, & pasta made from whole grains

Can Metamucil Aid In Weight Loss?

In the treatment of constipation, Metamucil is a popular supplement.

Aside from its appetite-suppressing properties, its ability to increase satiety makes it a popular weight-loss supplement.

Although Metamucil has been linked to several side effects, many are still unsure if it is safe or effective for losing weight.

In this article, we examine whether Metamucil can help with weight loss and, if so, whether you can use it for that.

It’s Possible To Lose Belly Fat By Eating Soluble Fiber.

It's Possible To Lose Belly Fat By Eating Soluble Fiber.

Insoluble fiber and Metamucil Soluble Fiber are commonly referred to as two types of fiber, and each of them has a different effect on water in the body.

On the other hand, Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water and is primarily used to bulk up stool and move it through the digestive tract. In the event of constipation, try taking a few sips of this.

Slowing the release of digested food from the stomach is achieved by a dense, gel-like material formed by soluble fiber, such as beta-glucan & glucomannan.

It is also possible to prevent the accumulation of belly fat by increasing your intake of soluble fiber. It has been found that adding 10 grams of soluble fiber to your diet each day reduces your risk of developing abdominal fat by 3.7%.

Metamucil Soluble Fiber: Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is There A Time Limit On How Long You Can Take Metamucil For?

Unless your doctor tells you to, you need not consider taking Metamucil for much more than eight days in a row. If laxatives are taken in excess or for an extended period, they can become addictive. If Metamucil isn’t doing the trick for you, talk to your doctor. Also, if your condition worsens or doesn’t improve, contact your doctor.

  1. If You Overdose On Metamucil, What Happens?

In what ways can it take too much Metamucil to harm you? When taking Metamucil, it’s important to remember to stay hydrated throughout the day. Constipation can worsen if you contribute too much fiber and bulk without introducing enough water.

  1. Is It Safe To Take Metamucil Without Food?

Is it better to take it during a meal? It’s okay to take Metamucil at any time of the day or night, as long as you’re getting enough fluids in (at least 20 – 25 mL of liquid per serving).

  1. What Are The Potential Side Effects Of Taking Metamucil?

Start with a minor concentration and gradually increase it to reduce discomfort. A decrease in blood pressure may also occur due to taking Metamucil.

  1. If You Take Metamucil Daily, What Are The Possible Side Effects?

Psyllium (Metamucil) has what side effects?

  • more than a week of constipation
  • or a bleed from the rectum;
  • Intense discomfort in the abdomen.

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